Here's a little project I did this past Christmas time. I've had this wreath with snowmen on it since our first Christmas together (4 years ago!), and it was about time I changed it up. Things had started falling off of it - when I looked at this old picture I had, I didn't even remember that it had that green stuff on the top of it!
Anyway, I was getting pretty sick of the snowmen, and had seen so many great ideas on Pinterest with peacock feathers. Luckily our local dollar store had a pack of three feathers for about $2, so I bought 2. I wasn't too sure what I was going to do with them so they sat on my craft table for a good couple of weeks. Eventually I figured it was time to do something about it when I found my daughter with one of the sharp sticks to hold up the snowmen in her mouth. Not sure if she ripped it off or it fell off (wouldn't be surprised about either), but either way, I got to work.
I first started with the fun part: ripping the snowmen off. Not surprisingly they came off pretty easy, so it took all of about 2 minutes.
Then I got out my glue gun, found some matching Christmas balls (that I got for super cheap as well), and started playing around with different figurations. After many attempts, and TONS of glue, it turned out like this:
I'm pretty happy with it! I had played around with a bit of tulle as well, but just ended up using it for the tie. Here is a breakdown of costs:
wreath: about $5 four years ago, so I consider it free.
peacock feathers: $2 (only used three)
ornaments: I'd say about $1 total.
glue: about $1
tulle: I got a whole bunch of it at a thrift store for $2 so this little piece is probably about 5 cents.
So for about $4 you can have a beautifully re-purposed wreath! Change up the Christmas ornaments (perhaps some birds?) and it can be a spring wreath too!
1 comment:
that is a delicious little wreath you have there, Jess!
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