Saturday, March 24, 2012

...a little europe

A post on a Saturday you ask?
When I started this blog I said to myself that I would not post on the weekends, just to give myself a break (I'm good at giving myself breaks). But this weekend calls for a post because, well you see, we leave for Europe this coming Wednesday. CJ's sister, who lives in the Netherlands, got married and all the family is heading out there to celebrate!
I'm pretty excited as I've never been there before. CJ has, and I think he's pretty excited to "show me around." The planning of this trip, however, has been nothing short of a headache for us. We knew the dates we needed to be there for the family stuff, and we figured we'd take an extra week just for the two of us (yes, we're leaving T here! :| ). We tossed around idea after idea (I really wanted to go to Greece - haha), and I think we've finally come to a conclusion: we're staying in Europe, renting a car, and traveling through the different countries around Holland.
I spent quite a bit of time last night trying to map something out and here's what I came up with:

Amsterdam - Groningen - Enschede - Frankfurt, Germany - Luxembourg - Paris, France - Brussels, Belgium - Amsterdam

We fly into Amsterdam, then the first week is spent around Groningen (where the wedding celebration will be). After that, we have just shy of a week to hit these other countries. Enschede is where my dad was born and lived til he was three, so we're going to check that out and spend the night in Enschede, at this quaint hotel:
What we do after Enschede is kind of a free-for-all. I just picked a city I've heard of in each of the other countries shown, there is no significance to any (besides the obvious Eiffel Tower in Paris). Actually, Paris was a last minute thought, we may not even hit that up. But part of the excitement will be not really knowing where we're going! We decided we should book the hotel in Enschede, and then just see what happens from there. Another part of the excitement will be doing it all in this baby:

That's right, a manual transmission little foreign car! What more fun could you ask for?

So needless to say, you may not see many posts in the next two - three weeks. But believe you me, I will definitely have my camera with me at all times and when I get back you  better believe you'll hear from me.

Til then, though, go rent yourself a little car and pretend you're me driving around in Europe! See you in a few weeks!


1 comment:

Felicia said...

if you have time I would totally recommend Switzerland and/or Austria - the mountains and scenery are absolutely amazing! My favourite part of our Europe trip! Have a great time!


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