Tuesday, March 20, 2012

DIY Hooded Bath Towel

This was one of my first "major" sewing projects, and I thought I'd share it with you. I used a free tutorial from Prudent Baby so you should go over there and check it out. Their site is the best.

On to the towel! All you need is one hand towel and one bath towel, and if you want, a piece of fabric to make it look pretty. I think I got both of them for like, $5. I'll show you what I did, but really, if you want to make this, go to Prudent Baby and read their directions. I'll probably just confuse you.

This strip of fabric is for the hood embellishment. I made one with, and one without.
Fold in the edges, press, and pin.
Starting with the hood: cut the two ends off the hand towel.
Fold that piece in half like shown below, and place the piece of fabric about an inch from the folded edge - pin in place:
Unfold the towel, and sew the fabric in place:

Fold the towel "inside out" (with the fabric facing itself) and sew the towel ends together, like shown (this is it turned back right side out):
Take the outermost corner of the towel and stuff it inside the other (see how bad my instructions are?):
This is what it looks like on the inside.
And you should have your hood done!
Now this part for me was the hardest: figuring out how to sew the hood onto the towel. I read and re-read Prudent Baby's instructions and looked and re-looked at the pictures, but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. So, I figured I'd just try it and if it didn't work out, or if my sewing machine blew up, then that would be a lesson learned.
I was, you see, sewing through layers of thick towel. My machine did not blow up, and the hood is still attached to the towel (I'm assuming - I gifted it to my niece) so it turned out all right.

Voila! Let me know if you try this out! Don't forget to send pictures!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I don't have the intestinal fortitude to try it myself (or a sewing machine) but that towel is our favorite to use every bath time - "your niece" absolutely loves it and it's still holding strong!


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